

Traditionally, your mid-twenties is a time for fun, freedom, and self-expression! You’ve moved out of your parent’s house, graduated uni and have finally moved on from being an intern to an actual paid employee! You’ve also started to pay more attention to politics and are eating healthily because you want to not because it’s the ‘in thing.’ Now the duvet cover and pillows match as opposed to you just being grateful they’re clean! However, while the stormy days of teenage angst may be behind you, your hormones aren’t quite done with you yet.


Cramping Your Style


Most women tend to start their periods in their mid-teens, and often the physical effects tend to be relatively mild until you reach around twenty. It may sound bizarre, but PMS is worse now than at the beginning simply because prostaglandins, the hormones your body produces during your menstrual cycle have gone into overdrive! Right now you’re probably experiencing more super painful cramps than ever before, but there is some relief to be had. Firstly, get your trainers on and go for a run! You may feel like the last thing you want to do when it seems like someone’s jabbing your insides with a hot poker is exercise but honestly it helps. Heat’s a wicked remedy too so have a warm shower, fill a hot water bottle and take a couple of sticky heat patches to work so you don’t feel too uncomfortable at your desk.


Problems Down ‘There.’


While intimate issues can be terribly embarrassing it’s important you know what’s normal for you and what could be a sign of an infection. Not every problem is related to sex, in fact, most women tend to get cystitis, thrush, and even bacterial vaginosis at least once. While thrush isn’t pleasant, it’s relatively easy to get rid of and quite often Canesten products can be bought over the counter so you won’t need to have a consultation. The trick to staying healthy everywhere is to stay hydrated, wear loose fitting underwear and take them off before bed, eat a balanced diet and lay off the booze once in awhile. Of course, no one wants to get STD’s, but you’d be surprised by how many people end up contracting herpes, HPV, and Chlamydia. Use protection, see a doctor if things seem a bit weird or you’ve noticed something unusual and make sure you schedule regular gyno visits.


Spot The Difference


Sadly, adult acne is an actual thing, and it tends to affect around 45% of women in their twenties so now you know where all those extra spots have come from. What’s to blame? Those crazy hormones of course! However, you may be inadvertently making things worse by eating lots of processed food, not consuming enough water, smoking and drinking as well as slathering your face in heavy concealer. Our skin needs to breathe so it’s crucial you establish a good cleansing routine, as well as making an appointment with a dermatologist that specialises in adult acne if things aren’t getting better. You could also consider using a mild soap as often breakouts are caused by irritation to the skin.