So many people believe that blogging is dead and a complete waste of time for your business, but nothing could be further from the truth, and blogging is actually one of the fastest and best ways to really develop your brand online, to build trust and get to know your audience, as well as allow them to engage with you on a deeper level.
Blogging is about so much more than writing about your travel adventures or sharing experiences as homeschooling parents, it can really help you share advice, tips, and many other things that people may be looking for, and help you grow your business at the same time.
Here are just a few reasons why, if you have an online business, you should absolutely consider blogging.
Trust and credibility.
You can have the fanciest sales page, and the nicest about page, but if people don’t really get to see what you can offer them in terms of you showing up and giving value, then they’re not very likely to become customers any time soon.
Blogging helps you to share your knowledge and expertise with the people who visit your website, and introduce them to problems that they maybe didn’t know they had, and how you can then provide the solution to those problems.
So, not only do you provide people with valuable information, but you also make sales for yourself as well.
Having your blog on your site and posting on it consistently helps you to build trust and credibility because it shows that you are consistent with your message, and that you show up and always have something new and interesting to say. Once people resonate with your message, they will want to keep seeing more of your content, so if you can deliver in that area then they’re going to be interested enough to keep coming back.
Getting you noticed.
The more you post on your blog, the more people will find your content, this means that you can then reach a wider audience and get your message out to more people. As social media evolves, people will share your content on their pages that they find interesting, and bring new people back to your site that may not have heard of you before.
You can also connect with other business owners who share your blog posts and then you reciprocate by sharing their content as well. This allows you to get noticed on a bigger level, and connect with influencers and new clients.
When people see you posting new content on your blog everyday, or at least with some level of consistency, then you’re going to move higher up the Google rankings in terms of SEO.
To learn more about how this can really give your business a boost, then look at the various SEO packages from top agencies to get a quote.
Google loves show useful, relevant, high-quality content, and the more your content shows up, it means that Google consider it good and engaging, and then it also means that more people will find it.
There’s not just one way to do it.
Contrary to popular belief, blogs don’t have to be in written form. You can do video blogs and you can even do audio blogs as well, so there are various ways that you can get your content out there. The main thing to really consider is the level of consistency that you do it. There is also the option of creating an app for your business, complete with a blog attached – there are plenty of app developers in London, and across the country that you can use to make the process of designing a business app complete with a blog, as simple and easy as possible.
You don’t have to be posting daily, because it’s more about quality than quantity, so if you feel you only want to post once per week, then do that. Just choose a day and time to post each week and stick to it.
You can always increase the frequency of your posts, but as long as you’re staying consistent and creating great content, then that’s what will build trust and a loyal audience.