What’s the first thing that people notice about you? Most of us presume that it’s our makeup, dress size or sense of style, but according to a recent study, it’s none of those things. The first thing that people notice about you is actually your smile and how beautifully bright it is. Who knew that our pearly whites were the first things that others notice about us?
I’ve always taken care of my teeth because, from a young age, my parents drilled into me just how important it is. Even though I’ve always taken care of my nashers, they’re far from perfect. For example, I’m an avid coffee drinker – Starbucks’ gingerbread lattes are my downfall. My coffee obsession has left my teeth with a slightly creamy tint to them. The fact is, achieving a perfect smile isn’t easy but by taking the right steps, it is achievable.
Want to know the best ways to get a brighter and more beautiful smile? Then keep reading and take these handy tips on board. I won’t insult you by mentioning the basics like seeing your dentist every six months or cleaning your teeth twice a day. We all know those things already. Instead, I’ll focus on the other areas you can focus on for a more beautiful smile.
Whiten your teeth
If you’re a little too addicted to lattes, tea, or red wine, as I am, the chances are your teeth are a little stained. The good news is that whitening your teeth is much easier and less expensive than you would think.
Let me start by saying that over-the-counter whitening kits can work. However, the results aren’t long-lasting or as powerful as professional treatment. If you’re going to whiten your teeth, your best bet is to see a cosmetic dentist. That way, you can ensure that your treatment is both safe and effective. There are plenty of dentists to choose from, but it’s important to select a quality dental surgery, such as The London Centre for Cosmetic Dentistry. As that way, you know that you will be in the hands of an expert.
If your teeth are severely stained, it could be worth considering having dental veneers fitted. These are porcelain or composite shells that are attached to the front of the teeth. Surprisingly, the cost of dental veneers in the UK isn’t as high as you would think. Especially, as they offer a long-term fix. Plus, the treatment is quick and painless.
Have your teeth straightened
If your smile is a little wonky, this can have a serious effect on your confidence. While you might think that braces are made for teenagers, that’s not actually the case. Anyone of any age can get braces. So, if you’re unhappy with the alignment of your teeth, it could be worth considering.
The great thing about braces today is that you don’t necessarily have to go for train track braces, there are various other options. One of the most popular of which is invisible braces – a retainer style brace that is made from a clear material making it almost invisible. If you want to achieve a smile that’s perfectly aligned, this is definitely something that’s worth thinking about.
Become a lipstick pro
When it comes to lipstick, it’s not just about how you apply it but also about the colour you opt for. You see, some lipstick shades make your teeth look whiter, while others make them look more yellow. So picking the perfect shade is important, to ensure that you smile looks as bright and beautiful as possible.
According to makeup artists, for red lipstick, it’s best to opt for a blue-based formula instead of an orange-toned one. For pink lipsticks, it’s best to stick to light undertones and to avoid orange-coral based shades. You can’t go wrong with a berry shade, as most berry-toned lipsticks are made up of blue undertones. Always stick to dark berry tones over browns, as brown shades can give your teeth a yellow hue. For beautiful nude lips, opt for a sheer formula with a slight gloss to it.
As you can see from the tips above, achieving a bright, beautiful smile is much easier than you would think.