Looking to give yourself and your home a winter makeover? As the weather turns colder and the days become darker, what better time to focus on pampering the senses and creating a warm, cosy and intimate ambience within the home? To give you a little inspiration, below you’ll discover some of the best […]
There’s No Need For Embarrassment: Tips For Coping With Hair Loss
Hair loss in women is a far more common occurrence that you would think. While it’s mainly men who lose their hair as they age, us girls can also suffer from hair loss for a range of reasons, from alopecia and stress to hormonal disorders like PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome). According to a […]
Exeter Clinique Blogger Event: Dramatically Different Hydrating Jelly Launch
Last week, Clinique launched a brand new, highly innovative product: Dramatically Different Hydrating Jelly, and I was one of three lucky bloggers invited to attend a mini launch event in House of Fraser in Exeter. When I saw the email arrive in my inbox from the lovely Alex, one of the Exeter Clinique […]
(Some Of) My Festival Beauty Essentials
This summer I am attending a selection of different festivals, from music festivals like Latitude to food and alcohol festivals (gin and prosecco mainly). I’m super excited to have the opportunity to attend all of these fantastic events. I know that I’m in for an amazing summer, and I literally cannot wait. (It’s going […]
Have Fun With Your Appearance This Summer With These Seasonal Beauty Tips
We only have to wait around a month until we’re officially in the summer season. It’s time to break out the bikinis, stock up on sunscreen and plan holidays to nearby beaches and exotic countries. The summer seasons are a great time to play with your appearance. Whether you want a more sophisticated […]
Should You Take Up A Beauty Apprenticeship Or A Beauty Course?
In the past, makeup and beauty practices were merely regimes that we carried out on ourselves, in our own time, in our own homes. But nowadays, beauty is a big industry, and people are spending increasing amounts of time and money on honing their personal appearance. Numerous specialisms have established themselves and with time, […]
It’s Official, Beauty Sleep Is A Thing. But Here’s Why You Probably Aren’t Getting Enough…
If the human race had a slogan like a car or a kitchen appliance it would be, “perfection comes as standard”. It seems as though every day we’re met with constant reminders of the unattainable standard of beauty which we should all be expected to attain. From our social media feeds to the sides […]
What I Would Like To See On Christmas Morning*
Christmas is, without a doubt, my favourite time of the year. Not only do I love the day itself, I also enjoy the lead up to it – I mean, there is nothing better than watching Christmas movies, baking mince pies, and drinking A LOT of mulled wine. Another of my favourite parts of […]
Ultimate Christmas Gift Guide For Beauty Lovers
Mad Beauty Lip Gloss Crackers – Manna Glo Illuminator – 111 Skin Space Defence Bright Eye Lift Gel –Sleek Power Plump Lip Crayon – Model Co Contour Stick – thisworks in transit camera close-up – Black Canvas Cosmetics Dimension Brush Series – Trifle Cosmetics Lip Parfait – Bath House Rose Prosecco Lip Balm – Joan […]
The Latest Beauty Trends You Need To Know About
Autumn might be here, but this doesn’t mean that you have to look as dull as the colour of the crispy leaves that have fallen off the trees. In fact, there are quite a lot of beauty techniques that have only recently emerged into fashion – and, if you don’t try them, you’re missing […]
Review: Luxe Studio K1 Brush Set*
Dubbed ‘the everything brush’, these oval-shaped makeup brushes have taken the beauty industry by storm. Bloggers are going mad for them, myself included, of course. So when an email dropped into my inbox asking if I would like to sample and test a couple of these brushes out, I jumped at the chance. […]
Review: Accessorize Lovelily Perfume*
Accessorize is, without a doubt, one of my favourite stores. I love their jewellery, bags, scarves, and cute little knick-knacks, not to mention their perfume. I must admit that I had never purchased any of the Accessorize perfumes before, but when an email landed in my inbox asking if I would like to sample […]
Review: John Frieda Go Blonder*
I have always loved John Frieda products; my mum has curly hair and swears by their Frizz-Ease range. She’s also a hairdresser (and a good one at that – she used to work in Harrods), so that fact that she believes in their products cemented the fact that they are of a high quality. […]
Exeter’s Best Beauty Stores: My Favourite Places To Shop
Exeter is an amazing city; it’s vibrant, unique, and wonderfully beautiful. Many of the buildings are incredibly old, which adds to the city’s incredible atmosphere, or at least, I think it does. I also love the cobbled streets that Exeter has, again these just add to the city’s charm. Out of everything that I love […]
La Blog Beauté
Feeling beautiful is hard at the best of the times. We all have appearance demons we face on a regular basis. Perhaps you don’t like the shape of your nose or the way your lips curl down. We’ve all got something that bothers us. And, finding our way to beauty is even harder when […]
Review: Lily Comely Face Masks*
At the start of last year, I was invited to collaborate with Lily Comely on a review of some of their lovely products. A couple of weeks ago the PR team got in touch again to ask if I would like to review some more of their products, and me being the beauty lover […]
Haul Time: My Latest Makeup & Beauty Buys
As my beauty posts have been lacking recently, I thought I would start a new monthly series called ‘Haul Time: My Latest Makeup & Beauty Buys’. Once a month I’ll be sharing my newest makeup and beauty buys with you, along with my thoughts about them. This month, by hauls post will feature […]
Blogger’s Beauty Brawl – Brow Product
It’s day two of the Blogger’s Beauty Brawl which means that it’s brow product day! I have been super excited about this, as I am a little bit addicted to brow products and couldn’t wait to test out and review a new one. Let’s talk brow products… Now, I must admit that […]
Blogger’s Beauty Brawl – Liquid Lipstick*
Today is day one of the Blogger’s Beauty Brawl summer 2017 and I could not be more excited. I spent weeks sourcing my products – some of which are sponsored by brands and others that I treated myself to – hours taking my photos, and what seemed like days determining what to score each […]
The Blogger’s Beauty Brawl Summer Edition
A couple of years ago, along with another beauty blogger, I co-founded the Blogger’s Beauty Brawl, which is a 10-day beauty review series that runs twice a year, once at Christmas and once in the summer. Zoe from Makeup Mad no longer gets involved in the Bloggers Beauty Brawl events, so I now run […]
Think You Are A Beauty Expert? Turn Your Passion Into A Career
So, you love fashion, you are crazy about makeup and you are pretty brilliant at sharing this with your friends. So, maybe it’s time you stepped it up and took on a career in the industry that gets your heart pumping. There are lots of choices that could make a transition from your […]
Lush Exeter Valentine’s Day Blogger Event 2017
When I heard that Lush in Exeter was holding another blogger’s event, I was SO excited. Just before Christmas, I attended my first Lush event and absolutely loved it, so I was really pleased to be invited along to this year’s Lush Valentine’s Day event. The first that I noticed when I arrived […]
How I’ve Beaten Bad Skin Once & For All (& You Can Too!)
Back in July of last year, I made the somewhat catastrophic mistake of swapping to a new form of birth control, and long story short, it lead to my skin breaking out in a way that it never had before. I gave it a couple of months to see if my skin would […]
Revealed: My Top Five Holy Grail Makeup Products
I’ve seen a lot of bloggers putting together these ‘holy grail’ makeup posts, and so I thought it would be fun to do one of my own. However, to make it a little more interesting, I’ve teamed up with the lovely Hannah from Not Another Blog and Emily from Emily Rose, who I met […]