It’s Friday, which means one thing – it’s time for The Weekender! I spend all week long being excited about our little link party, it’s just so much fun. This is the last week where the theme will be #christmascheer so if you want to get involved and share your Christmas posts, now is […]
The Weekender Link Party
This time in two weeks it will be Christmas Day – that’s just 14 days! How exciting is that?! I must make a confession – deep breath, I haven’t done all of my Christmas shopping yet. I am hoping to get it done over the next week or so, or else I’ll be doing […]
The Weekender Link Party
Christmas is now just three weeks away (that’s 21 days or 504 hours) – eek, Christmas is coming! I love December, it’s my favourite month of the year – it’s the time of advent calendars, Christmas shopping and lots of yummy food. As the big day is getting so close, Lorey and I […]
The Weekender Link Party
As winter has well and truly arrived – it’s freezing outside, we thought that this week the perfect theme would be ‘winter is coming’. Of course, if like me you are a Game of Thrones fan, the first thought that pops into your head will probably be white walkers, the wall, and of course, […]
The Weekender Link Party
This week, we choose the theme for our link party as #prayfortheworld – with what’s been going on in the world, we thought it was only right. Just like Lorey – you can check out her blog here, my heart is breaking. From the atrocities in Paris to the attacks in Africa, this week […]
The 4 Things I Am Most Thankful For!
As in the US, Thanksgiving is on the way, the topic of this week’s ‘The Weekend’ is ‘gratitude’. Obviously in the UK, we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but we can still appreciate how important it is to be thankful for what we have. (I do wish that we celebrated Thanksgiving here, it sounds like such […]
The Weekender Link Party
You might remember that last weekend I took part in a link party called ‘The Weekender’, hosted by the lovely Lorey. Well, I couldn’t say anything last weekend, but I am so happy to announce that I am the new co-host! Lorey is from the US, which means that it’s taken us a […]