Changes are afoot in the world of business! There are many things that you can do to upgrade your business style. From changing your business acumen, altering your marketing tactics to freshen your appeal to the target market. Or you can do it from the inside out. Changing the office space in a physical way will help in ways you didn’t realise. Also, introducing new methods of working. Or even new ways of relaxing in a working environment will do many things for the productivity of your workforce. Here are some things to introduce.
Start To Create Open Spaces
This helps increase communication between your staff. There are now people that think having open-plan offices is the death knell for workplace relationships. But if you are in a small startup company, you are likely to be flying by the seat of your pants 99% of the time! Open-plan spaces are still very popular with many companies. So if you haven’t tried it, maybe it’s time.
Put In Standing Desks
With people leading a more sedentary lifestyle, installing furniture in the office that will aid comfort or productivity will go a long way! There are more reports that sitting down for long periods of time is not good for you. So, putting in standing desks will save on space and increase energy in the office. Likewise, you need staff to be comfy and supported. There are many chairs that don’t provide back support and can contribute to issues like RSI. Get some good Boardroom Furniture and it will really help out with those long meetings!
Make Leisure Activities Available To Staff
This is something that a lot of the bigger companies do now. Whether they have air hockey or a pool table. Or even an X-Box in the corner! These will actually help to increase staff productivity, rather than reduce it. You may feel that this is more of a distraction than a tool to help people work better. But if someone starts to feel burnt out after a long day in the office this will not only help them take their mind off their job for a short period but it will help them get back to it with a bit more motivation than before.
Make An Area Dedicated To “Chilling Out”
Making a space purely for the purposes of relaxation that isn’t a standard break-out room is something that’s very important for the morale of your work colleagues. Having somewhere not littered with graphs and charts relating to business will help create a calm atmosphere. Out of sight, out of mind. This is very important to creating that work/life balance. If you can achieve that in the workplace, and not make it feel like it’s “work” then you will be doing a great thing for your staff. Ideas to make a space suitable would be to put in casual seats, maybe bean bags. Or have some pictures on the wall. Or even some music. Ask your staff what they would like to have and it can be a bit more personal to them.