Are you utterly sick of the daily grind? Do you wish you could dictate your own working hours, your clients, and your price? It could be time to consider self-employment. More and more people across the UK are becoming their own bosses, and an increasing number of industries are making it possible for people to take on work as contractors. Although there isn’t the same immediate level of security when contracting, you get to choose your own client base, so it’s all much more flexible, and many people can find it very lucrative. If you’re currently employed in one of the following sectors, you might like to consider becoming self-employed.
Many teachers in state education are finding that an increased focus on results is causing exceptional amounts of stress, so they’re leaving state education altogether. While some are going into private and public schools, many are becoming private tutors, either in person or online. They join agencies which can put them in touch with potential students, and help them with their academic studies, without the pressure from the government. They’re able to choose from a wide student base, including internationally.
The pressures on the NHS at the moment are encouraging many a doctors and nurse practitioner to consider leaving public health care. Some are moving to work in the private sector, while others are leaving the country altogether. However, some are becoming self-employed, and working for the NHS on a contractual basis. This gives them much more control over their working hours and pay – the factors which are causing many of the problems in the first place.
IT consultancy
The ever-changing nature of information technology means you have to be on your toes and up to date all of the time, in order to get by in the IT world. This means that if you’re good at it, your services are invaluable. The best thing about many IT jobs is that they lend themselves well to working remotely – a good internet connection, computer, and mobile phone is all you’ll need. So why struggle with the daily commute, working long hours making money for someone else, when you could be putting the money into your own pocket?
Or you could retrain
If you can’t envisage how your career could ever work on a freelance or self-employed basis, but you’re unhappy in your current employment, it could be time to consider retraining. It sounds drastic, but it’s never too late. The skills you have obtained from your current and past employment or hobbies will make you more likely to get the training you require, and then you can become self-employed in your new field of work. If you want to work for yourself, don’t let your current career get in the way.
If you’re no longer happy in your current employment – perhaps you’ve just been doing it for too long, or the company you work for isn’t what it used to be, self-employment is a great way to use your skills to make money for yourself, not someone else. Plus the commute is a whole lot shorter if you start working from your home office.