We use our hands to do everything from operating our smartphones to eating, carrying our children and carrying out our work. Basically, our hands are fantastic and we would be lost without them, which is why it can be so distressing when we experience a problem, like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, with our hands.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is one of the most common problems affecting the hands of people all over the world. The condition which caused numbness and tingling in the hands is often caused by carrying out repetitive tasks, such as typing or drawing, with the hands over an extended period of time.
Thankfully, it can be treated, and there are a lot of professionals, like those at The OT Practice, who can help you recover from the condition, but there are a lot of things you can do yourself, that will help you overcome the condition.
Here are some quick and simple tips, which at the very least should help you to alleviate the worst symptoms of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:
Wear a Splint
It might not be the most attractive accessory, and you’d probably prefer a nice bracelet from Tiffany, but a good wrist splint, which has been designed specifically for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, will ensure that your wrist stays in a neutral position. This will help to heal the median nerve area, this alleviating your pain and allowing you to get on with your day.
Give Your Wrist Lots of Rest
It may be tricky resting your wrist if you have a job that requires you to use your hands, but it is vital that you find a way to limit your wrist movements for at least a few weeks so that it is given a chance to heal.
If you’re worried about this, and you work outside the home, speak to your HR department as they will probably be able to come up with a solution that will help you give your wrist a break at work.
Stock up on Anti-inflammatories
Medication like ibuprofen will help to reduce swelling in the wrist, which will give your affected nerve a break for a short amount of time. It will also help you to manage your pain more effectively.
Before you start taking any anti-inflammatories, you should consult your doctor.
Occupational Therapy
If you do all of the above, and you still can’t find any relief for your condition, it could be a good idea to get in touch with occupational therapy who may be able to work with you and teach you exercises to improve your Carpal Tunnel syndrome.
Cortisone Injections
It doesn’t always work, but quite often cortisone injections can help to alleviate your symptoms, so it might be worth asking a doctor about them.
If none of the above work, and you are struggling to find relief, you could ask your doctor if surgery might be an option. This should only be used as a last resort, and it isn’t suitable for everyone, but it can be used to alleviate the pressure on the median nerve, thus making all the difference.