Choosing what to do when you have finished school is hard enough, but now with the extra choice of studying abroad, this is yet another thing to contemplate. If you are considering studying in another country, here are a few things to bear in mind before making the big move.
This is one of the biggest factors for any students wanting to study abroad. There are certain schemes that you can apply for and you will be able to get a student loan in the UK, but it can differ in other countries. Many countries encourage foreign students to apply and have some kind of financial aid, which is helpful, but you should always have money saved up too. If you are unsure of the prices once out there, search online or on forums for advice.
Finding Somewhere to Live
Student accommodation differs in price and luxury depending on where you are looking to study. It is best to choose student accommodation if you are going to study abroad, as this will be your safest option and the best way to make friends with other students. If you are looking for outstanding Portuguese student accommodation for example, then Coimbra offers some of the best in Portugal. Why not live in luxury with Collegiate with their superior living space and en-suite facilities? You will feel right at home, even thousands of miles away.
Feeling Homesick
Choosing to move out to study is a big decision and it becomes an even bigger decision when your parents won’t just be a car drive away. You may feel homesick and this is perfectly normal and should pass. If you are especially anxious about moving away, maybe it is worth staying away from home for a few nights with different relatives, just to see how you get on. The most important thing to do when feeling homesick is to keep busy and make new friends. There will be others in the same situation as you, and there will be people in the university that you can talk to and are there to support you.
Choosing the Right Course
Before making this choice, you need to ensure you are doing it for the right reasons. If you are choosing a course because you want to visit or stay in a particular country, this may not be the best decision as you will not be fully committed to your course. If a course you want to do is only available in the UK, there are plenty of options to study one year in another country or to do voluntary work during your summer vacation. If you have found a course you like the look of, order a prospectus and have a look on their website to see what other students are saying before making a decision.
Studying abroad can be a great way to broaden your horizons and see the world whilst studying. Keep in regular contact with home via Skype or FaceTime to combat any homesickness.