This month, I’ve teamed up with Compare Compensation Claims for a compensation-focused blog post with a difference.
Compare Compensation Claims have created a really unique infographic – and take – on comparing compensation claims. What’s quirky about this infographic is the fact that the compensation claims being compared are fantasy claims… Confused? Don’t worry – it’s pretty straightforward really!
From family favourites like Home Alone and horrifying thrillers like IT, a large number of our favourite films feature accidents and injuries. Whether the character simply breaks their arm, like poor Harry in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets or their arm is bitten off my a demonic clown, like little Georgie in IT, movies have their fair share of accidents and injuries.
However, one thing about movies is the fact that they don’t tend to dwell on the legal implications of these occurrences. Bearing this in mind, what Compare Compensation Claims have done is take a closer look at the accidents featured in popular films, and worked out what compensation someone in real life could expect to receive, should the same accident or injury happen to them.
The infographic…
From car crash to medical treatments gone awry, the infographic covers a wide number of scenarios, outlining how the character got hurt in the first place and what amount of compensation they would have been entitled to in real life.
Take when Harry Potter breaks his arm playing quidditch as an example. Poser, Gilderoy Lockhart attempts to fix it, but instead accidentally removes all the bones in the arm, leaving Harry to succumb to a painful night of bone regrowth. While unlikely to happen in real life, medical treatments do sometimes go wrong, and the payouts for these are always significant. Did you know that in the UK from 2017-18, claims for medical treatments gone wrong totalled a whopping two million pounds.
Keen to learn more about what compensation some of your favourite onscreen characters would be entitled to in real life? Check out the infographic below…