One-fifth of all crimes in the UK are against businesses. This covers everything from shoplifting to cybercrime, and business owners need to take the right steps to keep their workspace secure. As criminals range from the professional to the opportunistic, it can sometimes be very challenging to ensure that your business is safe from all potential threats. However, some solutions could keep your premises safer than you think. From retail outlets that have stock to keep secure, to offices that are full of expensive tech, here are some of the smart ways to keep your business and your inventory safer than ever.

Know the Risks


Always carry out a security risk assessment. Identify those areas where your business is most vulnerable. If you have already been harmed by crime, don’t focus just on that issue. Be as thorough as possible so that you know exactly where you need to secure your defences.

Staff Safety


Take the time to train your staff in all areas of security. For online safety, make sure that only those that need login details to specific platforms have that information, and that every member of your team is aware of the need for basic online security. Teach them about password safety, and keep them up to date with the latest phishing scams.

Get Secure


The next step is to add some basic but vital security measures. Start with simple options like secure locks on doors and windows, and make sure that high-risk areas are well lit. If you have to cope with unruly teens hanging around outside your store, then look into options like a teenager sonic alarm, which can keep loiterers away by using a high-frequency Mosquito alarm system. Bored teens are a significant business risk, so minimise their interest in loitering near your premises.

Improve Stock Management


Employee theft is a very real risk, so you need to make sure that you can identify if a member of your team is stealing from you. This is made much easier by having a more thorough stock management system. If you don’t know how much of a specific product you’re supposed to have, you won’t know if anything is missing. Stocktaking is vital for a more secure business.


People Management


When you hire a new member of the team, always check their references before you offer them a position. Even if you’re just hiring a part-time kitchen assistant or a Saturday cleaner, those reference checks are essential. You should also give serious thought to who you trust enough to have keys to the building or sensitive areas. Have a strong policy on employee theft and act decisively if you discover criminal issues. Always prosecute, as this will deter future issues.


Always consider security for your small business, and schedule regular security checks so that you do not let an ongoing issue become a serious risk. As a small business owner, you have to wear a lot of hats, and thinking about security is just one more task that needs to be done. Take the time to consider your security measures, and your premises will only be safer as a result.