We’ve all got that one, hard to buy for friend, who’s birthday we absolutely dread. It’s not that she’s ungrateful for any gift that you give her – you could gift her an empty chocolate box, and she’d be thankful. It’s the fact that you want to get her something that she truly loves. She always finds you the perfect pressie and so, you want to get her a gift that’s perfect for her. The only problem is, you just don’t know where to start.
I feel your pain, I have a few friends like that, and every year I struggle to find them that ‘perfect’ gift. However, I think that finally, I’ve mastered the art of gift buying for quirky, difficult to buy for people. Want to know how I find the ideal gifts for even the most difficult to buy for people? Then keep reading, as all is about to be revealed.
Listen to them
I’ve learned that if you listen to people properly, you can learn a lot about what their likes and dislikes are. When your friend is talking about a shop they like, for instance, listen and make a mental note of it. This will make gift buying in the future, easier. If they mention there’s something that they’ve been wanting for a while, such as a new bag, take that on board. It’s listening to little things like this that make present buying that much easier.
Take their sense of style into account
One of the best things you can do when it comes to finding the perfect gift for a friend is take their sense of style into account. The way that someone dresses or decorates their home can give a lot away about them. For instance, if your friend always wears a scarf, the chances are they love scarves and would love to get one as a gift. Or, if they have lots of piercings, they most likely love receiving jewellery for them. I have a friend who has various piercings, so this year I decided to shop helix piercing online for her gift – she loved it. It’s a case of taking their sense of style into account to help you find a suitable gift.
Think about their interests
Another tactic I use when shopping for a gift for a hard to buy for friend is to take their hobbies into account. For example, I have a friend who loves to crochet, so often I buy her crochet-related gifts. I also have a friend who’s a nightmare to buy for, luckily she’s candle mad, so I often buy her a candle related gift. Sometimes a selection of her favourite scented candles, other times I go down the route of candle holders. Whatever I opt for she’s always pleased with her gift, or at least, she seems to be.
Gift buying isn’t always easy; we all struggle at times. However, if you’re smart about it and think outside the box, it doesn’t have to be hard to find the perfect gift for your hard to buy for friend. Listen to them, take their sense of style into account, and think about their interests, and you can find them a present that they’ll love.