Did you break up with your girlfriend? Do you feel hurt, frustrated and want to get her back? Like you, many others have gone through such a difficult time, and in large part have managed to make their lovers return to continue their relationship with the help of this website.
Do not act as if the world has collapsed
Breaking up your girlfriend hurts, it’s true, but there’s no reason to act as if your life depends on your ex-girlfriend and to try desperately to bring her back. By acting this way, you will only keep her away from you.
If you really want to continue your relationship with the woman you still love, you have to do precisely the opposite of everything you’ve done so far. An excellent initial strategy is to stop talking to her for at least a week. During this time, do things to improve your physical, emotional and mental state. Go to the gym, go out with friends, do not think for a second that your life depends on your ex-girlfriend because that’s not the case. In this way, you will begin to take control of your life, and you will be able to act rationally.
When you feel more confident and positive, you can start talking to your ex-girlfriend, but be careful, be like you are not interested anymore. Do you remember the qualities that made her feel attracted to you? Your charm, good humor, sensitivity, and any other attributes your ex-girlfriend loved. It is necessary to display these qualities when talking to her.
Ways to reconcile when you’re upset
When your partner is angry with you, you can reconcile not through logical arguments, but with sincerity and calmness. Find out how to say you’re sorry for your words to reach her heart. Read this: https://psychologytoday.com/us/blog/fixing-families/201806/after-argument-the-right-way-make.
Listen to what she has to say when she’s upset
Nothing is harder to bear for men than an angry woman. In annoyance, that side of her personality comes to light, and then you do not get bored at all. However, one of the most effective ways to get her back it is to be a good listener. Even if you do not agree with what she says, even if you want to get out on the door, stay and let her talk. The attention you give her is the first step towards reconciliation.
When you listen to her, establish visual contact and, from time to time, answer to show that you understand what she says. Ask questions, but in a balanced tone. Maybe she does not recognize the moment, but she’ll be delighted to care. Many men make the mistake of closing in, hoping the storm will pass. In reality, nothing annoys a woman more than to see the partner hide behind a wall, refusing to speak.
Do not be angry with yourself
When your partner is angry with you, do your best not to get mad at yourself. Anyway, she thinks she’s right, and some extra nerves will not help anybody.
Fighting is not rational
Psychologists have noticed that in a couple conflict, women handle situation differently. Men tend to come up with rational arguments, while for women, the emotional state is all that matters. When it comes to being calm and responsive, you can explain the situation at work so your gesture can be put into context. In this way, there are more chances to understand why you decided to stay again.
Learn how to acknowledge that you are wrong
When you’re really wrong, it’s recommended to acknowledge it. However, that is not enough. You also need to know how to admit that you are guilty. Avoid the condescending tone. “Yes, well, dear, I did wrong.” Please do not take the position of a puppy who wars over the master to get them in the bars. Make a gesture she does not expect and tell her the most balanced tone in the world. “You’re right, I’m wrong, and I’m sorry.” Then go out of the room and let her digest the information, and she’s more likely to get along with if you keep calm and prove you’re honest and you care unless you make her feel like ironing her or, on the contrary, try to minimize the problem.