Giving away promotional merchandise can help your small business convert more sales, retain existing customers, and generally leave a great impression. Business cards and other printed items are part of any standard branding exercise, but taking your promotional merchandise one step further can make you that much more memorable. In fact, one of the most important elements of a successful company is the ability to engage with both new and returning customers.
Attending a sales pitch? Why not take along some branded items that your prospective clients will make use of on a regular basis, such as pens and notepads. Items like these are likely to stay on their desks for a long time, giving you daily visibility. Giving a gift will build a sense of loyalty, even after the initial conversation is over. Building a good relationship with your customers in this way will really pay off in the long run, as it will lead to increased customer loyalty, and thus a more successful business.
Perhaps your sales pitch is at an exhibition rather than in a meeting room? If so, you’ll find that your stand is far more popular if you’re giving away a free gift. If your team wear uniform, make sure their clothing has your brand logo on it. If they don’t, you could give them each a branded laptop bag, an umbrella, or any number of different items to get your name and logo out there. Get creative with the items that you are using, and you will find that they work exceedingly well.
Essentially, promotional merchandise has been proven to leave a lasting impression, thus resulting in far more sales and overall business success. With that said, it is clearly a very cost-effective marketing strategy and one that will work well with other promotional tactics, such as social media and PPC.