Living with food allergies has a significant impact on every aspect of daily life, and unless you have an allergy, it’s extremely difficult to understand just how far-reaching the implications can be. It’s not just about carefully managing your diet, it’s also about planning your entire life around your food allergy, including your travel plans.
As someone with a food allergy – I’m allergic to nuts and peanuts – I understand just how difficult it can be to plan a trip away. There’s one part of you that can’t wait to get out there and explore more of the world, then there’s the other part of you that feels anxious and worried about travelling with a food allergy.
What if you have an allergic reaction? What if the language barrier causes an issue? What if there’s no medical treatment available? These are all questions that swirl around your head when you consider taking your next trip. However, it’s important to remain positive and not let your allergy control your life.
Bearing that in mind, below are some tips and tricks for making travelling with food allergies more enjoyable.
Be smart about where you travel
One thing I would say is that when it comes to travelling with food allergies, it’s important to be clued up regarding where you travel to. You need to be able to make your allergy known when eating, and you also need to know that there is medical assistance available, should you need it. This is why it’s crucial that you do your research.
Travel with a reputable company
Whenever I travel, I always like to travel with a reputable company, as that way I know that all the necessary health and safety procedures will be in place, and I will be safe when travelling. For instance, I’ve recently been looking at Alaska Cruises from Canada, and I’ve found that one of the best and most reputable companies to go with are Canadian Affair. When you have a food allergy, you have to be far more careful when it comes to who you travel with, and it’s important to remember that.
Be prepared
It’s crucial that when it comes to travelling, that you are always prepared. Being prepared means carrying any emergency medication that you might need with you at all times. It also means ensuring that if you carry adrenaline auto injectors that they’re stored at the right temperature. It means thinking ahead and ordering allergy translation cards to show at restaurants when ordering your food, to ensure that your allergy is well understood.
So there you have it, a few simple tips for making travelling with food allergies easier and more enjoyable.