Business owners have become increasingly more conscious of their ability to operate in a eco-friendlier manner in recent years. Although this sounds daunting, sometimes all it takes is a few simple changes and you are on the right track to becoming greener. As a result, you will probably even save some money. It’s important to make all members of staff aware of your plan so that they can help where possible, otherwise, you will be fighting a never-ending battle.
You may have to re-think your marketing strategy, as many traditional forms of marketing are very wasteful, such as direct mail or flyers. Instead, move everything online with a fantastic website, a strong social media presence and even an email campaign. There are lots of other digital marketing tactics to consider so do some research and think about your budgets. You may have to consult a digital marketing agency for some support. If you offer promotional giveaway items, consider whether they are environmentally friendly; are they made from recycled materials, for instance? Be sure to advertise that you’re an eco-friendly company within your marketing strategy, as this will likely help you attract additional customers.
If your staff work in an office, consider how they are making use of resources. Do they leave their computers switched on overnight, for instance? Do they have the overhead lights switched on when there is already plenty of natural light? This boosts energy use and electricity bills unnecessarily. Consider whether they are printing documents that could just be sent by email and if print jobs are being abandoned, wasting ink and paper. Actually, when it comes to printing, you could consider investing in a managed print company who will assess behaviours within the office and help reduce waste. Speak to your staff and make them aware of anything you think they could do differently to help the company become more environmentally conscious. You could even incorporate a “Cycle to Work” scheme.
These are just a few things to consider and there are many more ways you can become a more eco-friendly company. Don’t be afraid to make connections with environmental charities and other corporations that can help boost your green image!