When you have all of your plans ready and you’ve got the funds ready to go – one of the most exciting things you can do is get your prototypes! Prototypes are incredible for businesses that will be producing products. To have the item physically in your hand and be able to test it is a fantastic feeling. 

But, before you have that prototype, you need to take the time to choose the right company. 


The right company for you will make you feel at ease and certainly understand that you haven’t done this before. They should be able to give you plenty of advice and information about the different services they offer. Take the time to read a review of many uk chemical etching companies


How many prototypes will you need? And after that, how many of the products will you need? Initially, you might only need a very small batch, but you’ll need the real product as you grow. 

Talk about scalability, capacity and the smallest runs you need. 

You should also be sure to ask if there will be a chance of outsourcing when you need to increase your order size. 

Outsourcing isn’t a problem, but it is important that you know it is happening before it does. It can sometimes impact the prototype delivery or quality. 


When your business starts to take off, you might need to order new product prototypes or a run of products with a short turnaround. What type of flexibility does the company have, and are there any premiums on last-minute orders? It is important to have these discussions far ahead of the probability. 


Everything that you do in business should be to create long-term partnerships. When you have a good working relationship with your suppliers, you will have access to high-quality items, and more than that – you can find someone that can work through the developmental stages. 


Cost can make people make choices that they might know are not the best for their business. When looking for the right prototype and product supplier, it is important that you don’t just look for the lowest price. 

Some companies can charge per hour, and some can charge per item or per order. Sometimes the cost will be dictated by the materials and technique used – and the over cost that the company will have. 

Material choices

You will need to do a lot of research to know which materials will be the best for you, but when you approach a manufacturer, they will be able to tell you the pros and cons of each of your materials options. 

Good feeling

Sometimes, you will meet with a salesperson or company owner checking all the boxes – but you just don’t feel comfortable. Other times you will get an immediate good feeling when you meet the people behind the company. A good feeling about the people you will work with can be important for healthy long-term working relationships

Your products are just one place that you will outsource; here are a few more: Why Your Business Oughta Outsource