For me, summer is all about being able to spend more time outside, exploring new areas and having adventures. While I’m a bit of a princess when I’m at home – AKA I like to be pampered (what girl doesn’t?!) – I also love an adventure. In the warmer summer months, I’ve always been one to call my friends or grab my fiance and head off on a spontaneous road trip.
That’s what summer is all about, getting together with your friends and family and doing things that make you smile. For me, getting in the car, cranking the tunes and chatting with my friends or partner is my happy place – I love a good road trip.
While some of my road trips are simply day trips, other times I chuck my beautiful vintage bell tent in the car, some bedding, and a few other essentials, and we camp en route. Whether we end up at a beautiful beach, in the mountains, or in a bustling city centre, road trips will always be my favourite type of summer travel.
Over the years, one thing that I have learned when it comes to road trips is the fact that car care matters. You can’t take your car for granted – it needs to be looked after and properly maintained. Did you know that the majority of car accidents on Britain’s roads are linked to vehicles that are not well maintained? That’s why I take car care seriously, and so should you!
Bearing that in mind, the question is: what car care is required before a road trip?
Give your tyres the once over
Your car’s tyres are a crucial element when it comes to vehicle safety, speed and fuel efficiency. If you don’t take of your tyres, you could end up breaking the law and could even lose your license as a result. So, it’s vital that you take your car’s tyre care seriously prior to heading off on a road trip. The question is, how can you ensure that your tyres are in spick and span condition?
Check the air pressure: Want to ensure that you get the best fuel efficiency while out on the road and prevent having a blowout? Then you need to ensure that you check your tyre pressures before you head off on your next adventure. Did you know that having incorrect tyre pressures can also make your tyres wear out more quickly? That’s why it’s worth checking your tyres’ air pressure before heading off. The best way to do this is with the air pump machine at your local garage.
Be clued up on tyre rotation: A key aspect of car tyre care is rotating your tyres between different locations on your car. Why is this important? Because variations in suspension calibration, weight in the vehicle, and road surface conditions, can mean that these wear at varying rates. That’s why it’s important to rotate your tyres on a regular basis, as by swapping between the left and right and front and rear tyres, you can increase the lifespan of your car’s tyres, exposing each tyre to similar variables.
Know when your tyres need replacing: A vital part of effective car maintenance is knowing when your car needs things replacing, such as the tyres, for instance. While there are steps that you can take to keep your tyres ‘healthy’ for longer, after a certain period of time (or amount of millage), they will need replacing. When this time comes, you can order your tyres from specialists like Iverson Tyres Ltd. to get a good deal on quality tyres.
Check your fluids
Our bodies run on blood and water, and our cars are the same – they don’t require blood but they do require water, and a range of other fluids too. That’s why before any long drive, as well as on a regular basis, you need to check your car’s fluids to see if they require a top up, these include:
Oil: Oil is a critical component for any car engine. What oil does is lubricate crucial engine parts, allowing the vehicle to run seamlessly and safely. As a rule of thumb, oil needs changing every 3000 to 5000 miles and topping up at least every three months. Before any long journey, such as a road trip, use the dipstick to check your car’s oil reserves.
Radiator fluid: Your car’s engine will produce a lot of heat, and it’s the radiator fluid that helps to cool it down. What this fluid (also known as coolant) does is extract heat from the engine and move it away via the radiator. If your car’s coolant is low, it’s far more likely to overheat while you’re driving.
Brake fluid: When your foot hits the brake, your car doesn’t just automatically stop – there’s a little more to it than that. When you brake, a fluid is released which causes the brake lines to compress, which makes the brake pads clamp to the rotors and stop your car. If you don’t keep an eye on your brake fluid, your brakes may fail to work, making your car dangerous to drive.
Cars have various components that require regular care and maintenance, to ensure that they remain safe to drive. If you fail to take care of your car’s maintenance needs, you may end up having to spend a large amount of money having any issues fixed. So it’s worthwhile taking good care of your car all year long, not only when you’re heading off on a road trip.