When it comes to booking a holiday, the process can be incredibly exciting. Each year, we all seem to work really hard and feel really busy all throughout winter and spring. So when summer comes around, we’re very much ready for that exciting break away. However, we don’t always have one planned. And although […]
Getting Your Garden Ready for Summer
Summer is here, the weather has been amazing recently, so why not give your garden a makeover and transform it into the perfect outdoor escape? No matter what state your garden is currently in, there’s always something you can do right now to improve it. Here, you’ll discover how to get your garden […]
Building an Office in Your Garden
Working from home can be great, but it does have its flaws. One of the main drawbacks is when the boundaries of work become blurred with your home life. A great solution to this is the garden office. It gives you a workspace without taking away a room out of your house, and gives […]