Most small business owners are aware of how important SEO can be to their company. This element of marketing can quickly become your largest source of new clients and customers, all while costing very little to implement. Thanks to the countless guides around the web, many business owners choose to try and handle this […]
How Do Small Businesses Break Out of Being Labelled a Small Business?
Businesses that are labelled as “small business” typically get treated differently from other companies. For example, small businesses tend to get some services marketed specifically for them, and they often get limited access to higher-level services that offer more control or features in certain kinds of software. There’s also a bit of a stigma […]
Using Creativity As A Blogger
I’ve been running La Blog Beaute for over five years, and in that time I’ve learnt a lot about what it takes to build and sustain a blog. The key to success really does lay in two things: creativity and productivity. If you’re going to be a successful blogger, you need to be a highly […]
Self-Employed Jobs That You Can Do From Home
Just a year ago, working from home was a rarity, with very few jobs allowing remote-working. Then along came the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, and overnight the vast majority of the workforce found themselves setting up offices in their front rooms. Some people have struggled with the loneliness of working from home and […]
4 Ways to Best Optimise Your Time
Whether you are thinking strictly with regards to your personal life, or strictly with regards to your professional life, there are few resources that you will have at your disposal that could ever be as important as your time. Although other things may be more immediately pressing – such as money – time […]
10 Tips for Taking Flawless Instagram Photos
It’s been ten years since Instagram first arrived on the scene, and things have changed dramatically in the space of the decade. Back then, many people still didn’t own a smartphone, and those who did had to endure cameras with hazy picture quality and limited functionality. In fact, the app didn’t even let you […]
Top 10 Office Design Ideas for Social Distanced Interiors
In a time where social distancing is always on the mind, how can business owners make sure their office space adheres to the rules? These office design ideas should help… Gone are the days of crowded meeting rooms, cramped desks, and races to the communal microwave at lunchtime. COVID-19 has changed office life […]
3 Ways To Improve Your Customer Service
Many business owners realise the importance of excellent customer service and how it can portray their brand. Just one viral social media post detailing a bad customer experience with a company can be detrimental and have major consequences, which is why it’s vital that you live by the rule that ‘the customer is always […]
4 Things You Need to Succeed With An Online Business
Online business is an industry that has boomed in recent years. Whether it is a side hustle or full-time job, thousands of people have embraced the convenience and simplicity of using an online store over investing in a traditional brick and mortar location. However, it’s not as easy as having a cute logo and […]
Running A Successful Business: What I Wish I’d Known When I First Started Out
I launched my business – Fuzzy Bear Media – back in 2014; at the time I was fresh out of university and only 22-years-old. Since then, I’ve come a long way – and so has my business. Over the past five years, I’ve learned a lot about what it *actually* takes to successfully run […]
White Label Link Building Agency: 5 Reasons To Hire One
Link building can be daunting at times. The amount of time it requires and the effort that goes into reaching out to new connections and securing links from their domain are primarily the reasons why marketers and individuals seek white label link building services. If these reasons are not enough for you, here’s […]
How To Design A Home Office That’s Smart, Stylish & Functional
If you are lucky enough to work from home, then you need a dedicated space to work from. It’s all well and good thinking that you’ll just work from your sofa, but the reality is that working from your sofa is incredibly hard to do. This is because it comes with various distractions that […]
Business Efficiency: Software Solutions Can Help
Running a business is no easy feat, particularly in today’s highly competitive business sector. The business industry is thriving, with a higher number of businesses than ever before being launched each year. While the high percentage of businesses being launched is a good thing, it also means that the competition businesses face is more […]
Small Office, Big Business How To Enhance Your Office Space
Small offices don’t necessarily mean small business; small and mighty, perhaps, but never small in impact. However, if you find that a small office is having a detrimental impact on the running of your business or causing problems amongst employees, there are many tips and tricks to follow to enhance your office space. You […]
5 Elements Of A Successful Beauty Blog
You would think that blogging about something you love like beauty and fashion would be easy, but there is so much more to it than simply talking about products and services you love. A successful blog can be developed but as the old saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. If you are […]
You Can Learn To Love Business Travel
While travelling for leisure is always fun, travelling for business is not always anywhere near as enjoyable. Often, business travel is extremely stressful and lacks enjoyment because there’s so much going on, and that’s a shame because even travelling for business should be made to be enjoyable. Otherwise, surely it’s a waste of time […]
Finances & Freelancing: Being Prepared For The Future
Ever since I graduated from university in 2014, I’ve been a freelancer. I knew from the get-go that I never wanted to work in an office environment, I knew that I wanted to have the freedom to work however and wherever I liked without having a boss breathing down my neck, which is why […]
The Importance of Getting to Know Your Camera
One of the most important parts of the kit that a photographer has at their disposal is their camera. Therefore, it makes sense that you when you want to take the best shots possible, you are going to have to become best friends. But why is this? Why does it pay to get to […]
Areas Of Your Blog That You Should Invest Into Right Now
Running a successful and money making blog doesn’t always mean that you have to invest into it. However, unless you’re a celebrity or have some sort of miracle cure, it’s unlikely that people are going to be flocking to your blog to see what you’ve got to say. Most of the time, a well […]
How I’ve Made My Home Office An Immersive Space
When you work from home, sometimes getting into the swing of things and actually working isn’t all that easy to do. Particularly when your partner also works from – I love our setup, don’t get me wrong, but sometimes concentration does not come easily. However, over the past three years where we’ve both been […]
Why HMRC Should Offer More Transparency To People Who Are Self-Employed
As someone that runs their own small business, blogs and works as a freelance journalist, I’ve had to learn how to deal with my own accounts. While I was lucky enough to undertake a basic accounting course for free online and understand the basic principles of accounting for business, the area that I struggled […]
Office Options: Choosing The Right Format For Your Business
Over the last couple of decades, the internet has made huge steps towards changing the ways in which people have to work. Enabling employers to give out tasks, make payments, and even hire their professionals all in one place, this field has become a lot easier to navigate in recent years. Of course, though, […]
The Signs That It’s Time To Change Business Loans
Without money, a small business is going to struggle to survive. Unfortunately, there isn’t a bottomless pot of cash at the end of the rainbow. Every time you get to the end it disappears and changes locations. Thankfully, business loans do exist for the entrepreneurs with big dreams but small budgets. Now that you […]
Reasons to Run Your Own Business
If you have been umming and ahhing about starting your own business for a little while now, this article may give you the push in the right direction that you need. This article will run through just a few of the top reasons why people decide to take the leap and launch their own […]