You might remember that recently I shared a post about what it takes to be a carer for an elderly relative. Well today, I’ll be touching back on the topic of ageing relatives. But this time, I’ll be focusing on the best ways to help them without becoming their carer. Let’s be honest about […]
The Best Ways To Make Your Anniversary Special For Him
I don’t know about you, but when our anniversary comes around, the fiance always makes a big effort to spoil me. Of course, I love being treated to breakfast in bed and cute little gifts, but I always like to make sure that I spoil him back. I’m all for being treated like a […]
How To Choose Your Wedding Photographer
If you follow my blog on a regular basis, then you’ll know that I am just starting to plan my wedding. So far we haven’t got a date in mind, just a wedding plan book and a lot of ideas to work with. One area that, until recently, we hadn’t really thought about was […]
Treat Ideas He’s Sure To Love
Throughout the year, he treats me to cute little presents – flowers, sweets he knows I’ll like and sometimes even makeup. I understand that chivalry dictates that men should be the ones giving the gifts, but it’s 2016 – enough said. In case you want to spontaneously, treat the man in your life to […]
Ideas For Making Valentine’s Day Special When You’re Broke!
The sad fact of the matter is that I’m pretty skint right now, my bank balance is still recovering from Christmas! The fiance and I have been budgeting like mad as we’re hoping to go away in April to a country lodge with it’s very own hot tub. So although we want to celebrate […]
How To Set And Stick To A Wedding Budget
Image credit It’s no big secret that weddings can be expensive. With so much choice from caterers to photographers, it’s easy to go overboard when planning your big day. Unless you have an unlimited cash flow, it’s likely that you’ll need to set up a budget to stop yourself getting into debt and overspending. Your […]
The First Steps To Planning Your Dream Wedding
Photo source If you read my blog on a regular basis, you’ll know that a couple of years ago I got engaged. (I might only be in my early twenties, but when you know, you know.) Since then, the fiance and I have been saving like mad. Sadly, thanks to recently moving, we can’t […]
Three Years And Still Going Strong!
Today is a very special day for myself and my fiancé, it marks three years since we got together. So I thought that to mark this momentous occasion – it’s momentous to me, anyway, I would pop a little post up. (This post was meant to be posted on Wednesday 14th October, but […]
Ideas For Keeping The Spark Alive In A Long-Term Relationship
Everyone says that those first few weeks of a relationship are the best part – aka, the honeymoon period, but I disagree. While I loved the time me and my boyfriend, now finacé, had at the very start of our relationship, and the fun, flirting and excitement that came with it. I wouldn’t go […]